~*~ Welcome to Chrystal's world!!! ~*~


Yep, that's me!! My name is Chrystal Bickford

>>>>>January 2005>>>>>
Ahh, I am finally updating this...a little =) It's been a while! I ended up at OSU in Stillater, working on a MS in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership. A glorified education degree. I got my BS in Biological Sciences this past spring/summer after transferring in Fall 2003 and didn't know what else to do but go back to school, hah!

Maybe I will grow up sometime soon and get a real job, we shall see. Of course there's that whole 'get married' thing, but that's not happening in my near future.

I am involved with a few groups here at OSU, far less than I normally am. MBSF and AISES are the main two I guess. I keep thinking that I will get involved with NASA and maybe SGA, but that hasn't happened yet, and I don't know if it will =)

A lot of the things I wrote about the last time I updated this have finally come to a close. The RSU ordeal is finally over for Matt...he settled with them this summer. BJ's neck healed all the way, it took about 9 months. He got to play ball last spring, and got recruited to play for the Bacone Warriors in Muskogee. He's got a scholarship, and we just found out he made the varsity team, so he will likely be a starting player as a freshman, amazing hu?

Mom's company is going well, I still help her from time to time...but not as much since I am mostly in Stillwater.

For more up to date info, check out my Xanga, I try to update it regularly. Popoloco's Xanga

>>>>>April 10th, 2003>>>>> Wow,so, not so busy with classes anymore!! The only *class* I have is physiology at TCC, and its kinda a joke...yeaa. I decided not to go back to RSU this spring, which kinda sucks b/c I would have got my BS in Molecular/Medical bio this semester. Oh well, I will survive! I refuse to give that school an opportunity to impact my life anymore than they have through my brother, and I'd rather wait a year to graduate than to let them have another number to show off. You don't know what I'm talking about? Http://www.rsusaga.com has all the info, or go to the Roger's county court house! Whew, yea. Guys, pray for BJ too. The poor thing blew his face up a few months ago, and then a few weeks ago he was playing ball and went for a pop up, the catcher's gear got hung up in his feet and he went headlong into a brick wall. He broke his C1 vert. in his neck in 4 places. Its a pretty serious injury and he may not be able to play baseball again if it doesn't heal right, so pray that it DOES heal right, and that it heals quickly. God has great things planned for that boy! Hmm, I can't think of anymore updates, just hangin out in life, helping mom out with her company and playing nurse to the ever injured Beej!! BTW~ Go Bush!! Whoo hoo

~November, 2002~ Well well well, soooo much has changed in my life since I last put info up here. Okay, try this~ Imagine the WORST possible things that could happen to you...then live through them! That has been my life. Well, not the absolute worst I suppose; I still love Jesus and He loves me and that's number one. I've made a lot of great new friends, and a lot of neat things have happened, but even more awful things have happened. If you actually know me and don't know what I am talking about, feel free to ask, I just don't want to broadcast too many personal issues over the W3. A lot has changed in my life, I quit working for the school, there is too much risk involved in being employeed by RSU. I pick up kids from school every day and do some private tutoring to make ends meet, and I am super busy with classes anyway. Its quite a struggle, but *hopefully* I will be done with RSU this spring and I will be able to move on with life! Pray for me =)

Oh ya!! I forgot, I work now too!! I wrote all this a long time ago and I am just now putting it up so some things have changed. I am a tutor. Can you believe that? RSU thinks I am compitent to lead other people down the path of education...and I thought I was crazy!!!

------------------------------------------ I am a 21 year old student at Rogers State University. I just transfered in from Oral Roberts University. I am from Oklahoma and live there now, but I grew up in Texas... I miss it :-) Here's the school I went to- Carroll High School. I might be transfering back to Texas before too long, but we'll just have to wait and see on that one!!

I am a biology major, but I have always loved art. Here is some of the stuff I've done. I can't find a lot of my stuff right now due to multiple moves, so these are just some random sketches. Other than drawing, I love pottery. I have a wheel, but I haven't been able to use it for about 3 years due to hand injuries and facility ability. How sad :-( I had to have surgery on my left hand last year b/c I use it too much, hehe. Between pottery, crochet, typing, softball, and colorguard, I really messed my hands up. I had a really cool bump on my left hand, but my parents didn't think it was as cool as I did, so I had to have it taken away. It was just where the joint tissue covering was weak and the joint fluid made a little balloon, I thought it was pretty nifty, but now all I have is a little scar. Okay, that was way too much information!
**UPDATE** As of 9-26-01, the wheel has returned!! I am enrolled in a sculpture class at RSU and my love of throwing has been rekindled. It recently dawned on me that my wrist is healed enough to do my favourite things again. It still hurts a little sometimes, esp. after I got done on thursday!! But it will be okay. And, crazy as it seems, the man who did the operation on my wrist (Who was somewhere over thirty but under 40 by my estimations) had a fatal heart attack while walking in the park that my brother was *At the same time* playing baseball in on the 13th this month....crazy. So, he wouldn't have anything to say about me using my hand so much anyhow!!! How morbid...

Colorguard is how I spent the majority of my time in high school, on top of a bunch of clubs and community junk. I joined my freshman year just because my friends were in band, and that way I could be around them without having to be one of them :-) I played flute in 7th grade, but quickly came to my senses and quit before I turned into a flute player, they scare me more than trumpet players! Anyways, I loved guard and eventually became captain my junior/senior years which meant colorguard at least 6 hours a day, yikes! After graduation, I moved on with life b/c my school's here haven't had guard. I made a few feeble attempts to convince other people to be interested and start one, but that never came through. I *might* be actually joining a guard soon though (**See note above regarding hand usage)! I have been checking into some local indy guards, and hopefully one will work out!!

While family and friends are very important to me, number one is always God. I really have enjoyed church growing up, and have devoted time and effort to trying to grow as a Christian and get beyond the religion into the relationship with God. One of the things I enjoy most in life is spreading the word about my beliefs. While every place can be a mission field, I have been able to go to Peru, Mexico, and Spain to spread the gospel through drama, music, street ministry, and outreach. God truly works in mysterious ways, and for so many years, American missionaries have been sent out over and over to foreign nations. It excites me more than anything to see people from those nations sending out missionaries to bring the gospel back to America, one of the places that needs it most...we have really died as a nation. Okay, I'll step off my soapbox now :-)
*NOTE* 9/29/2001- In regards to the recent attack on our country.

Alright, that's about it! I have lots of other interests, some of which I have managed to include in parts of this page, others I have forgotten, others I just don't have time for right now. Check back periodically and see if I manage to add more, web pages are such a continual project!!! For info on family and friends, I haven't written any as of now, but you can see their pictures!! And of COURSE I don't have nearly enough scanned yet, so if you're my friend and you're not there, just wait!! I am a busy person :-)